OLS Parish


How can you help? Donate pre-filled Easter baskets cash, empty baskets, and basket fillers.

Pre-Filled Baskets

Age Groups:

  • Infant-1 yrs: Plush toys, educational toys, rattles
  • Age 2: No-choke toys, stuffed animals, bubbles
  • Ages 3-5: Outdoor toys, crafts, games, bubbles,
    beach toys, sidewalk chalk
  • Ages 6-9: Kites, jump ropes, games, bubbles
  • Ages 10-13: Frisbees, sensory toys, games, beach
    towels, and games
  • Ages 14-18: Gift cards, fidget toys & toiletries

These are just suggestions, please feel free to add
any items that are age appropriate. Outdoor
activities and games are great for all ages!

$25 Value per basket
Wrap baskets in cellophane
Label each basket with gender and
age group
DO NOT wrap the gifts inside
NO perishable foods

Our goal:
1,400 baskets


Donate Cash: www.ccsnn.org or
P.O. Box 5099, Reno, NV 89513
Write “OEB” in Comments

Donate Gift Cards
Shop our Operation Easter Basket
Wishlist on Amazon


Deadline: April 4, 2025
Visit us at ccsnn.org for more
information or contact Lisa at
or call 775-322-7073, ext. 235

Please take donations to a St. Vincent’s Thrift Store:

500 E. Fourth Street, Reno
190 E. Glendale Ave., Sparks


In loving memory of
Lizzy Hammond